I had a limb blow down in a storm. The little cub would probably have hauled it away just fine, but a 4 wheel drive tractor with a bucket is always nice to have.
Two old Farmall Cubs drug up out of the weeds in the pasture--all but forgotten. When Cubs are left unsheltered water gets into the engine and transmission and they are soon ruined.
Farmall Cubs first were red and later ones yellow, but you can't go by the color in determining the age as governments and schools painted the red ones yellow for safety's sake.
Here are two of the old type Farmall Cub Tractor seats. I guess the one below would be called "with air conditioning" and above without! I am sure they were hard sitting after a few hours of plowing corn or tobacco years ago.
This Farmall Cub is set to lay off rows in the garden. You mark two rows and then put the plow in the farthest row and lay off another. You continue laying off one row at a time. This makes the rows all the same distance apart. You just keep the anchor row straight and each time the other rows will be the same.
You can also see the cultivators under the belly of the Farmall Cub.
I bought these in 2005 and by the looks of the paint on the tires, I would gamble that some old man painted it. I advise to never paint over the serial number as you can see they did on this old Farmall Cub. The Woods Finish mowers do a really great job mowing grass.